How to cope with grief during the holidays

Posted: November 17th 2020 | 4 minutes read
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Dealing with the loss of a loved one is never easy, regardless of the circumstances or time of year. But the upcoming festive season can magnify your sense of loss and mourning. 

Family gatherings and events can be painful reminders of the absence of a loved one. 

At the same time, they can also be comforting rituals where you spend time with family and friends, focusing on good memories and trying to recapture your sense of joy. 

When dealing with grief this holiday season, here are some suggestions for what you can do to make it just that much easier on yourself.

Only do what feels right

It’s up to you to decide which activities, traditions or events you can handle. Don’t feel obligated to participate in anything that doesn’t feel doable. Grieving takes time. 

Accept your feelings 

Everyone takes his or her own path in grief and mourning. Some may try to avoid sad feelings, others will be bathed in tears. 

Some feel bad that they aren’t up for enjoying a holiday, others feel guilt because they are feeling joy. 

However you feel, accept it. And accept the inevitable ups and downs. You may feel peaceful one moment and gut-wrenchingly sad the next. 

Call on family and friends

Talk with loved ones about your emotions. Be honest about how you’d like to do things this year – if you want to talk about those who have passed, then do so. 

Take a friend to events for support and create an escape plan together in case you need to bow out quickly. 

Read books about getting through the holidays after loss and seek out support groups and professional support.

Focus on the kids

Many holidays place special attention on children, and it often helps to focus on their needs. Realise that your choices around getting through the holidays may affect the children in your family. 

If you withdraw, they may not understand why you don’t want to join family festivities. 

Perhaps you can participate in the family rituals or gatherings that are most important to the kids, and excuse yourself when you reach your limit. 


It’s amazing how in times of grief, sometimes the biggest comfort is to give to others. Gift-giving can be a tremendous aid in overpowering the grief because it gives you a sense of emotional relief. 

When you provide someone with a gift they want or need, their happy feelings will inadvertently transfer over to you, helping you both celebrate the holidays together. 

Even though it can be difficult to think of gift buying and giving following the death of a loved one, it can also be an effective distraction from the negative emotions surrounding you.

Acknowledge those who have passed on

When we are grieving a loss of someone very close to us, it can be helpful to participate in a related holiday ritual in his or her memory. For example, light a candle for them, talk about them, buy children’s toys or books to donate in their name, plant a tree or place an item of theirs among your Christmas decorations.

Even though it can be difficult to imagine the festive season without your loved one, life does go on. 

Time helps heal grief and mourning, and we at Value Cremations hope these suggestions can help simplify the process, making this holiday season that much more bearable. And hopefully, even enjoyable. 

Please feel free to get in touch with our team if you have any questions.
